Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Winding down for a minute...

Its been so crazy that I have actually had this LO sitting on my desktop for two weeks so it will be nice to finally get it posted. Trying to juggle the working/playing thing now in my life.  I am sure that this will settle down a bit since this is a part time job but judging from the way the store looks when I surface my head from my training...omg this store is crazy busy. We shall see. So here is a LO I put together of my Daddy. Its kind of a combo of then and now and how life kind of slips out of our hands. So be good to each other cause you just might not get a second chance.  Enjoy and hopefully I will see you soon.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Here's a Peek

I talked about my recent moving experience in a prior post so here is a little sample of what was going on.  Trust me those smiles were not on their faces after about 8 hours of trying to fit all our stuff in the truck. Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's been a long time...

Wow I just realized how long it's been since I posted anything on this blog. That's what moving does to you. July 14th I moved from Connecticut back to NJ. Until I got back here I didn't realize how unhappy I really was there. I feel like I got my life back again. Moving, of course was grueling. It's been such a hot summer and we got caught in the middle of it making the move that much worse. But like all things we persevered through and are now mostly settled in. Moving on (seems like the key word today) I applied for my dream job at Apple again about two weeks after I got here. Boy did I almost fall off my chair when I opened up my email the day after I applied. I started jumping up and down and then got nervous. My first interview was with two other people but our interviewer was quick to tell us that we did not have to try to outdo each other. Thank God. I got a call back the next day asking if I could come in the next day and meet with the Sr. Store manager. Of course I cancelled anything I had going on and went to meet her. After my meeting with her she asked if I would hang around and meet with the store leader. Needless to say I didn't have to give that a second thought. I got a call that night asking me to come in the next day and meet with the Regional Manager. Met with him and two other candidates. He was also quick to tell us this was not a competition. He also told us this would be our last interview and everything looks positive. I will keep you posted. So it has been a whirlwind for the past 3 weeks. Hopefully I will be getting back in Scrapping mode very soon. Talk to you soon...