Monday, June 7, 2010


I have been taking this great new class over at Jessica Sprague, hence my absence from my blog. I have been learning so many great things and have been consumed  with it.  So speaking about Jessica, she is turning 3 this month, well not her personally but her site and she is having a huge celebration. Not only a free class but a mega sale.

To quote her, " I also wanted to let you know that I'll be offering a BRAND NEW class starting June 28! Best part? It's FREE! That's right! Mark your calendar, and get set for Computer Tricks for Cardmaking! Registration for this class will begin on Monday, June 14, and run through the first day of class, June 28. Spread the word to your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and everyone on your Facebook list! Oh, and did I mention it was FREE?! :) "

Let me tell you, you can't go wrong over there. They have been my family for the past 3 years and I have learned everything I know from Jess.  She has a great way of teaching and within hours you will be creating things and learning about Photoshop that you didn't think possible. Trust me on that one.

On a personal note I will be heading back down to Florida to visit with Jenny on Wed.  I hear it is really hot right now so I am hoping that I can endure since I do not do well with heat. I guess I will have to stay wet the whole time whether I like it or not.


  1. Joan...hope you have a great trip to Florida! Looking forward to Jessica's FREE class (isn't she the best?)!

  2. Hi Joan,
    I enrolled in Jessica's free class as well. We have a houseful of company so I hope I can keep up. It will be good to do some digi work as I have been doing lots of paper and alerted art of late.
    Hugs, Catherine
